Saturday, April 21, 2018

Jesus’ Inclusive Message of Loving One’s Neighbor

With a background as family pastor in Lufkin, Texas, Eric Garland holds responsibilities with Combatt Oil Field Solutions in Midland. Passionate about Christ, Eric Garland was active with Lufkin’s Denman Avenue Baptist Church and spoke at a number of Baptist camp events. 

One of the most famous statements of Jesus appears in Mark 12:28ff when he speaks with a Scribe about the commandment that is most important. Jesus presents two commandments, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” and, “You shall love God with heart, mind, strength and soul.” 

With Jesus’ message about neighbors echoing that found in Leviticus 19:18, he is also expanding it beyond the context of one’s own tribe or family, as presented in the Old Testament. 

When asked by a lawyer “and who is my neighbor?” Jesus answered indirectly through the Good Samaritan story, in which the Samaritan was included within the definition of neighbor, though he was from a despised background. Thus Jesus’ message is uniquely one of inclusion and compassion toward others, regardless of whether they are related or of a similar background.